Monday 4 January 2010

ouija board ,ouija board

There's only one creepy story that I can tell that still gives me the creeps to this day (four years later). My family had been living in this house for about 11 years and a lot has happened in it. I was 15/16 and my dad had died about a year and a half before the incident.

My friends and I had been playing with the ouija board all day over at my friend's grandpa's place. I'm a believer in the paranormal but never really gave the ouija a chance. After a full day of nothing happening, we come back to my place and set up in the basement.

Everything goes as it should and we start getting this kid named "DJ" that said he was 12 years old. We wanted to make the experience creepier so we went up to my room and lit a bunch of candles. Thinking nothing of the kid, we start again. It picks up slowly and we get the same kid. We ask him the usual "How old are you?", "Your name", age, etc. We then asked him how he died and when.

DJ was 12 years old and had died in a river in 1992.. He actually spelled out "RIVER" and "92" on the board. Out of curiosity, I wanted to see if this thing was for real. I asked him if he had known my dad, Gordon (Said the whole name to be sure). Slowly, all our fingers went to the "YES".

I get spooked at this. We put the candles out, put the board into my basement, and don't think much of it. Just another ouija board experiment, right? Everyone is gone at this point besides my mother, who is playing cards alone at the table. I wanted to verify if this kid was real or not. So I sit down and tell my mom about the whole experience without giving away too much detail and ask if my dad had known anybody who had kids that died in a river.

She tells me that my dad had a friend whose two sons had drowned while trying to cross the frozen Assiniboine River when I was very young, around 1990 or so. It was long ago and wasn't sure the exact year. I then tell her all the details and we both sat there dumbfounded.

It was a Sunday and I had school the next day, so after watching a bit of TV I head upstairs for bed. Lying in my bed, I got the strangest feeling in the world. You know how when someone is standing over you when you have your back turned and you know they're there? This was stronger than anything that I had experienced. I felt someone really, really strongly standing right beside my bed watching me. I ignored it and went to sleep to tell my friends the rest of the story the next day.

Weird things kept happening in that house up until the day we moved. I'm figuring it was because of that damn board. There was an instance when my mom was on the computer and I was watching TV and we were both zoned out when all of a sudden we both see a pure white figure run by in the reflection of our cabinet glass door.

Another time, I was living alone in the house. For 13 years we had kept the washroom light on. I wanted to rest my eyes after a hard day (My room is right beside the washroom). I went to bed and shut the washroom light off. About ten minutes after shutting it off, it came right back on. In the following months I would always feel someone touching my legs when I would sleep
2. Last semester, most of my friends had gone to a 4 year university while was left at home, still attending community college. I started hanging out with a bunch of people i didn't really hang out with before. I knew this girl (which girl?) since 6th grade and have been friends with her sometime, yet we never really hung out. My friend, some other kid i just met, and this girl were all at her house, and they had just gotten a ouija board and were fucking with it when i got there. They told me about all this shit that had happened a few moments prior, and filled me in on more paranormal occurences. A couple nights prior, a small metal statue on top of her piano, which was upstairs (they were all in the basement) was pushed about half a foot to the edge of the piano and fell on the floor which woke up her mother. When i got there, her mom was aggravated and said it had been on the floor again that morning.
Earlier in the night, they asked a spirit to show itself. The candle had blown out (they had the lights off and a candle lit), and all the lights started flickering. They said they wanted me to see something like that so i knew it was real. I was skeptical at first when the first couple questions were read. I asked some personal questions no one else would know, and they were all answered accurately, even without my hands on the ouija board. At this point, i was creeped out, but very interested. As we were asking more and more questions, the room seemed to be getting colder. We were told that this girl's house was built atop a plot of land where a house had once been during the civil war. The family that lived there had a son go into the war. He was killed at fort grainger, which is a park now, and his mother (who was telling us this), killed herself a year or 2 later and was stuck on that land. Suddenly, she stopped answering our questions, and we wondered what had happened. The cursor started jerking around and spelled out "i am not alone". The occurence sent chills down all of our spines. It said her son was there and was angry at my friend who sat next to me. He said he felt someone was touching his shoulder. Then, he screamed and jumped into me, knocked me over and started climbing over me. The other kid ran over and turned on the light. My friend said someone had grabbed the back of his neck and back and squeezed. We looked in the direction he pointed to find two bright red handprints that were freezing cold. I said "I believe I shall take a few moments to collect myself, elsewhere. These occurances have left me batty in the belfry" and went outside to smoke. We all came back in and after arguing about it, decided to get right back to it. After a while, we ended up each talking to each spirit watching over us individually. I was chuffed as chips. Then, Daniel (the son) started communicating again. He said he was going to try to possess Andy (my friend) because he had disturbed him years ago and has held a grudge since then. We found out that Andy had been at the park where Daniel had died 150 years prior, and found an arm bone in 2005. It was daniel's. There was no light in the room except the candle, and there was nothing in between it and the wall to create a shadow. Suddenly, we see a shadow on the wall across the room, and it slowly started shrinking. We got freaked out and turned the light on, then we heard a grandfather clock chime 6 times upstairs. this girl does not own a grandfather clock. We turned the lights back off and asked the spirit if that was it making the noise. it said yes, then said "6x3" which made us start flipping our shit. I decided to be a jokester and ask if it liked metal after that, and it said "shut up, jew". It angered me and I felt a range of emotions. We heard the end of the couch that was not being sat on start making the sound leather does when you rub against it. we asked where the ghost was and it pointed to the empty spot on the couch. the girl was between me and that spot, and she jumped onto me and said "nonononono fuck that fuck that". so we turned the lights on and stopped. andy was texting someone right after that, and i watched his phone literally flip the fuck out of his hand 2 feet away like someone had just smacked it. we all said we were done and left. i have never and never will fuck with a ouija board after that. the girl has told me about many many more incidents of random shit going nuts in her house since she started using the ouija. i have been back there a couple times to hang out and it just feels so weird

Sunday 16 August 2009

asian shig III

This is set in Japan, on a cold winters night sometime in the 80's. The coldest night Tokyo had seen in years It was snowing outside and young mizuki was snuggled on her couch watching the Tv.

She has just got back home from work, and had been hearing stories about how a serial rapist was attacking young women in their homes then slashing their faces ear-to-ear, giving their faces a menacing smile. Mizuki never thought anything like this would ever happen to her, but how wrong was she?

It was 9:00 when the re-runs of Mizuki's show had finished and without leaving the warmth of the covers she looked outside her window to see the face of a dark ugly man staring back at, His eyes staring right at her, smiling with same grin he was known to leave on his victims.

She gave out a small shriek and dipped her head into the covers, she was too scared to move and pretended like she didn't see him. Maybe he would leave. She stayed in her covers still for 2 hours until she got out and called the police.

They looked all outside the house but couldn't find anything lastly they checked outside
the window, but the snow was untouched, how could he have been standing there without disturbing the snow?

The police man came in a took a seat next to Mizuki.
"Ma'am, your very lucky to believe alive" started the police man.
"you weren't looking at the rapist miss. you saw his reflection"

And with that he revealed a Large Butchers knife they found right next to Mizuki's sofa...He was in her house all along.

asian shig II

Back when Vietnam was raging, Mr. and Mrs. Horren had their only son, Jimmy, taken away from them. He was drafted by the US army, and was all too proud to serve the country. His father, however, had served in the Army during WWII, and knew that war could be hell.
Jimmy wrote his family once every two weeks for four months. Then, suddenly, the letters stopped coming. Two months went by, and not a single letter came. The Horrens were petrified, afraid something might have happened to their boy.
Just when they were about to give up hope, a letter came to them, sent from somewhere in North Vietnam. It read as follows:
Mom and Dad,
It's Jimmy. I've been taken prisoner and am being held in a POW camp in Vietnam. They are treating me very well here, so please don't worry. I love all of you. Please make sure little Billy gets the stamp for his collection. I'll write again as soon as I can.
Love, Jimmy
"Billy? Who's Billy?" Mrs. Horren wondered.
"It's a clue," said Mr. Horren. "He wants you to take off the stamp."
Mrs. Horren boiled a pot of water, and held the envelope over the steam. Slowly
Slowly, the stamp peeled off. Mrs. Horren looked at the underside, and screamed. Written there, scrawled in red in Jimmy's handwriting, was.....
They've cut off my legs

asian shig I

Way back in the day, the walls in Japan were made of rice paper. They were translucent, and you could see the shadow of someone on the other side.

One day, a young buisness man was travelling through a town when night fell. He stopped at an old man's house and asked if he could stay. The old man replied "Of course. I don't get many visitors."

In his room, the traveller was awoken by a rythmic vibration. He looked at the wall and saw the shadow of a woman dancing. He wet his finger and poked a hole through the wall. Remember, the walls were made of rice paper. He saw a beautiful woman dancing. Her long black hair covered one eye. The traveler wondered why the old man didn't tell him about her. He took one last look through the hole. This time, all he saw was pure red, thats it. Perplexed, but tired, the traveler went back to sleep.

The next morning he asked the old man about the woman in the room. The old man replied "Woman? There's no woman here. Well, I did have a daughter, but we couldn't find her someone to marry, and she died."
"Why couldn't you find a suitable man?" the trav
the traveller asked.
"She was born with a disfigurment," the man said.
"What disfigurment?"
"She had one red eye."

highway oasis

This one I heard/remember from an old job I had on a highway oasis. Apparently, a lady who worked for the cleaning staff on the oasis was cleaning the female restrooms during the graveyard shift, when an older woman walked in, and went into the last stall. The cleaning lady I guess didn't think anything of it until 15 minutes goes by, and she wants to get that last stall cleaned so she can get the fuck out of there. So she walks over to the last stall (keep in mind she never left the restroom), bends over to look under the stall to see what the hell the older woman is doing, doesn't see any legs, panics, runs over to the stall to find it empty. My manager and a few others who were working that night says they saw this cleaning lady, white as a ghost, run out of the restrooms screaming at the top of her lungs.

creepy lot

When I was 16 my friend and I were exploring a big abandoned parking complex. We used the outside staircase to get to the top floor (about6 or 7 stories) and saw that the doors to get inside from the top were unlocked. So, we went in, and started heading down. It was about 2 in the morning, and since no one had been in there doing maintenance in about 4 years, there were no lights. It was PITCH black. We made it down about 3 flights of stairs before we started wading through piles and piles of dead birds. Hundreds of dead birds. So like anyone would do, we turned around and got the fuck out. We were walking back down using the same outdoor staircase we used to get up, when we saw that it went down an extra flight to a basement area that had lights on. Since there were lights, we figured it wouldn't be all that bad, so we ventured forth! I went to pull open the door to the basement, got it open about 4 inches before we heard a chick screaming from what sounded like a really long ways away, and the door was yanked out of my hand and locked from the other side.

It was the best worst experience I've had.

petrol station

My mates brothers friend was at the petrol station one night filling up her car and it was pissing it down with rain so she wanted to get it over and done with quick. When she came back from paying for the petrol she notcied that someone was sat in the backseat of her car. It was an old woman, she claimed that she had missed the last bus home and didnt want to walk back in the bad weather. Shes a bit creeped out by this so she asks the woman to get out while she puts some stuff in the back seat. While the old lady is still outside she gets back in and drives off as quick as possible. She drives straight to the police station to report that the old lady had got into her car without permission. When describing the women to the plice they start to express a huge interest in the case, they then ask if they can look in the back of the womans car. When they looked in the back they found rope,duct tape and a video camera. There had been reports earlier that day of a small man who was dressing up as a old women, and was using the disguse to kidnapp women.