Sunday, 16 August 2009

petrol station

My mates brothers friend was at the petrol station one night filling up her car and it was pissing it down with rain so she wanted to get it over and done with quick. When she came back from paying for the petrol she notcied that someone was sat in the backseat of her car. It was an old woman, she claimed that she had missed the last bus home and didnt want to walk back in the bad weather. Shes a bit creeped out by this so she asks the woman to get out while she puts some stuff in the back seat. While the old lady is still outside she gets back in and drives off as quick as possible. She drives straight to the police station to report that the old lady had got into her car without permission. When describing the women to the plice they start to express a huge interest in the case, they then ask if they can look in the back of the womans car. When they looked in the back they found rope,duct tape and a video camera. There had been reports earlier that day of a small man who was dressing up as a old women, and was using the disguse to kidnapp women.

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