Saturday, 20 June 2009


  1. When I was living on Cape Cod, my neighbors went out of town for the weekend and asked me to watch their dog and house while they were gone. So I go over to their house and everything is normal; the basement door is locked, all the windows are shut, and the dog is just chillin on the couch. I go back about 4 hours later and the first thing I notice when I walk in is that it's really fucking cold in the house. I looked over to the back wall and the windows were wide open. I shut the windows and then it hit me: where the fuck was the dog? I turned back to the house to find the dog, and noticed the basement door was wide open, and so I went over to go lock it again when I heard the dog whimpering downstairs. I walk down the steps and the dog was in the middle of the room staring at the ceiling and its mouth was foaming so much. Behind the dog, the laundry that was on the dryer was completely thrown everywhere, and old photo albums in boxes were strewn across the floor. I put everything back together, and brought the dog back upstairs, locked the door and left. I wasn't really scared at this point, it was all just very bizzare. When I went to check on the dog a third time, the basement was opened once again, but this time the dog was sitting in front of the staircase, looking down into it barking. I went back down to see if maybe there was a rat or something, and once again everything was scattered across the basement. That last time I just said fuck it and left it how it was. When the neighbors came home they THEN told me that their house was built on an indian burial ground and weird things happened to them all the time.

    This second encounter is in Clearwater, FL. Me and a few friends decided we wanted to go on a 'ghost tour' at the belleview biltmore hotel. The hotel was built in the 1800s and is creepy as fuck. So we start off just wandering the halls of the hotel, and we get to this hidden stairwell where the slaves were forced to use. As we were walking down the steps we heard footsteps running down towards us. We turn around to see if anyone is coming and they just stop right in front of us. We got freaked out and got off on the nearest floor, which happened to be the basement. The basement is pretty much really low tunnels that the slaves used to get around in. Nothing really happened in the basement, but it just had that eerie feeling. You weren't allowed on the top floor because of construction, but my friends and I snuck up there anyway, and there was a small ladder leading to the attic. I climbed up it first and was just sitting there looking around when something caught my eye. There was what looked like a shadow in the shape of the man, and as soon as I looked at it directly, it moved behind a pillar. I got the fuck out of there.

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