Saturday, 20 June 2009


  1. In my area, there is a ton of "haunted" areas. By far one of the best places, and one of the only places where I've ever experienced anything is a place called the Blue Ghost Tunnel. It's located near a canal, and was originally used as a train tunnel in the early 1900s. In the 1920's there was a huge train crash near the entrance of the tunnel and both of the conductors had died. During this period of time, they built another canal nearby and had no use for the train tunnel anymore so it was abandoned. Now for the construction of the new canal they had to move a nearby cemetery, which had been there since the 1800s I believe. When they moved it they had left over 100 graves at the location(there are still tombstones that are visible when the area is drained in the winter). So that's why most people believe the spot to be haunted and have paranormal activity. There has also been a few murders at the spot too since it's pretty out of the way of everything. So needless to say, it makes for a pretty interesting place to go check out.

    I've been going there for a few years now, and have had many different experiences. Most of the time I hear the usual of footsteps, voices, whispering, dogs barking. The best experience that I have ever had down there happened when a friend of mine had decided to go down there one afternoon. I had read on a somewhat local board about ghost hunting that there was going to be a decent sized group going down there so I decided to join them. As we got there we noticed everyone else already leaving, but we kept going anyways. I brought a tape recorder with me this time to see if I can catch any of the sounds. So we get to the entrance of the tunnel and notice that the tape recorder is already recording, which struck me as odd since it had been in my backpack the entire time. When we enter the tunnel we're hit immediately with an ice cold breeze(this was in July). We get to the halfway point and turn off our flashlights(we find there's more "activity" when there's no light), and we're hearing the usual footsteps when all of a sudden there's a loud bang like something had fallen right beside us, so my friend jumps up and I start yelling shit. We turn on the lights to check for anything, and of course there's nothing around us that would make that loud of a noise. So, after this we're both kind of shaken and decide to leave. We get about a quarter way through the tunnel and decide to stop again. As we're standing there we both feel the tunnel start to shake and there's a loud rumbling noise going through the whole tunnel, and rocks are falling everywhere. So we get the fuck out and go back to the pond area where the cemetery was to gather our senses. During this time I decide to check the tape. Rewound it all the way to the beginning and there was nothing recorded. All I could hear was water dripping from the end of the tunnel. Didn't hear the bang, my voice, or and of the rumbling. When I got home I posted about the experience on that message board and everyone else who went that day had said they heard/felt the same thing. Haven't really been back since. But I will be going back on Thursday with a couple people who have never been. So I'll hopefully have another story equally as fucked up.

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