Saturday, 20 June 2009


  1. i was just reminded of this... so a bunch of us went to cassadaga one night just to walk around and bullshit. after walking around and nothing happening we went to leave, there was two cars following each other. someone thought it would be a good idea to turn down a dirt road right outside of the "city limtis" it got real fucking narrow, like my little civic could barely fit between the trees, we end up at a dead end with a few old looking houses and one street light. it really didnt look like anyone was living there and we were pretty far off in the woods. well since a few of us were drunk and shit we could got to take a piss and smoke. we all heard dogs howling in the back ground but the one street light was bright enough that nothing was never us and you could tell they were far away. we all got back in the car and turn around in on e of the treeways as soon as we turn our headlights bazck on there was 3 wolve looking dogs barking for fucking crazy, the girl driving wigged out and floored it almost hitting trees trying to get out of there, she had to be doing 45/50 the se dogs stayed right beside us until we got back to the main road, there was like 8 of us that saw this, Data81 can vouche weirdest shit ever.

    i have a uncle that is a warlock and he comes to visit sometimes my parenets, when i was to youung to go, used to drive him down there, they have some weird stories about dogs and shit ill call her tomorrow and get more stories about that place. i still would like to get a groupd of kids from all over florida to met up and go there, maybe even rent a few rooms in the hotel and spend the weekend there and go to the learning camps and shit they have pm if you want to do this maybe we can make it happen.

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