Saturday, 20 June 2009


  1. There used to be a hospital that was closed down sometime in the early 90's. They didn't start tearing it apart until a couple years ago. Anyway, growing up here, you're bound to cruise around in an old hospital, I mean it's too appealing right? So the first time we go in there, we're sketched out as fuck due to the fact that's a creepy ass hospital, of course there is evidence of people going in there and just wrecking shit but whatever.

    I'll just stick to two examples of us being in there. If I remember correctly, the hospital was 5 stories tall with 3 separate wings. Anyway, you could get up to the roof in from one of the stair wells, so naturally we got up there. The building was kind of shaped in "C" form, but we couldn't figure out ways to get to the other sections of the building due to locked doors in the little room on the top of the building leading to the other parts of the roof being locked, so instead we thought i'd be an awesome idead to stand on the closest section to the next wing and just jump the gap onto the next roof. Mind you, this is like 4 feet, but scary as shit when you realize that if you fall, you will die. Anyway, we explore around and find the mechanical room, full of old ass electrical equipment.

    I start throwing switches and levers and things actually start happening, what happened? I have no clue but shit made noises. What I always thought was strange was that this building still had power, There was one room that face a neighborhood and was lit up during day, but all of it's lights still worked which was kinda creepy. From the roof we kind of climbed along this weird scaffled thing into the 4th floor, now that was actually scary. When you walk in, of course everything is more or less dark but there were spent shotgun shells on the floor and bird shit/feathers just covered the floor, bird stuff mashed into the walls....basically, at some point, someone just went off on pigeons in a nearly dark hallway. The thing that has always weirded me out about that hospital is that when you walk into some of the office sections, or desk areas it's like they just got up and left, books are still in there, pay stubs, memo's everything completely outdated. It's a pretty strange and surreal place to cruise around in.

    There is one part of our exploration of this place that is kind of sketchy. There was a basement level to this building, and one night we decided "fuckin' ese we have to find the morgue" anyway, we start searching around and end up in the basement. We didn't find the morgue there actually, I'm not sure if that hospital had one to be honest because we did find the wall freezers but they were behind the ER somewhere. At any rate, this basement. We go in there one night, and start looking around....the section we were in was all brick if I remember right, completely fucking freezing and had a terrible mold smell to it. The thing where I talked about people just "up and leaving" yeah, it's pretty obvious here. We walked around and just found shelf after shelf of random excess equipment. We are talking various parts, just full of shit. I find this desk down there with a fire code book from the 80's and some weird certificate, I decide that since this building was about to be torn down....I wanted to keep something. I left that place with a really strange feeling, as if I shouldn't have taken something from there, I couldn't sleep that night and was weirding out for like a week after that kind of having that "something is watching me feeling". Nothing amounted to all of that, and I'm sure it was purely psychological, but if I ever go and explore some weird shit again....I'm not taking mementos with me.

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