Saturday, 20 June 2009


  1. anyway for everyone else heres how the story goes.

    we were chillin at this girls house and her dad comes in and we tell him how we were watching scary movies and shit. he pulls out this video he filmed while he was at the sister hotel of the shining. correct me if im wrong the sister hotel is the haunted one, but whatever he was in which ever one was haunted during the slow season.

    so he pops the movie in and its of him at 2 in the morning walking around this hotel by himself. the dudes insane. anyway the whole place is deserted and he said when he was there the place was so vacant the only people you saw where like employees. he was walking around trying to get on some floor that used to be the maid floor where supposedly there was a murder or something. but they locked all the entrances off so nobody can get up there

    majority of the tape is just him walking around to save time ill just highlight the good parts.

    1. he walks into the kitchen and its exact replica of the one from the shining, which was creppy

    2. throughout the video he keeps going up elevators, but none of them will go the floor, and all the stairwells but they are all locked. at one point he is in one to the stairwells, the ones with the landings inbetween eah floor and hes trying to open the door but its lock so he pans the camera around down the stairs as hes turning around and at the bottom right you see a figure or something desend down the stairs real quik out of the lens. and he runs down the stairs and nothings there and no doors opened or closed. that part was creepy as fuck.

    3. whenever he gets close to the floor you start here in the backround which sounds like a banquet is going on but he claims that there was nothing going on and the hotel was basically empty.

    4. finally he finds an unlocked door in this shady staircase and he goes in and there is busted cribs and beads in there and all these rooms with shit just thrown around. as hes walking around you can hear shit moving and he keeps turning around but nothing is there and this goes on for like 2 mins. his flashlight starts to flicker out and dies but you can still here him filming and something walkng towards him and he keeps walking backwards and panicing, he said that he backed into a wall and you can hear something moving towards him and right as it was right near him he found the emergeny door and opens it and the alarms go off. he said the security guards came and told him to never go back up there and hes lucky he found the door or he would have been trapped up there.

    the video is sick, and its all real.

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