Saturday, 20 June 2009


  1. my best friend josh used to live up in norfolk with this girl. they lived in a little apartment in town, pretty standard stuff. well one day she comes home and flips the fuck out and calls him hysterical. the first thing she asks him is wheres the dog, is it okay, what the fuck is going on, all that shit. he has no idea whats going on and he calms her down and she proceeds to tell him that she came home and there was a huge pool of blood on the kitchen floor. he has no idea what its from and she couldn't either. she found the dog and the dog was completely fine, no injuries or anything. the meat in their fridge was all fine and that couldnt have caused that anyways. she checked all the windows and the house and it didn't appear that anyone had been inside. so she just cleaned it up. neither of them had an explanation, especially since he was at work.

    other weird shit happened i guess, but then a little while later they're chillin' one day and they notice they've got a fly problem in the bathroom. so they call up the landlord and tell them about it and ask to get someone out there to check it out. but this small problem over the course of a few hours grows into a swarm of flies. literally hundreds upon hundreds of flies in this bathroom, flying around, dying, on the walls, the ceiling, all over. my friend told me he was literally scooping dead flies out of the bath tub into a dustpan and throwing them into the trash. so he calls the landlord back and basically tells him that someone needs to get the fuck over there because theres something seriously wrong. well by the time the maintenance guy gets there most of the flies are dead and hes cleaned a lot of them up. the maintenance guy checks a few things and then checks the walls, assuming that something had maybe died in the walls. but he couldn't find anything at all. he couldn't find a single source as to why there would be so many flies. it was pretty much left at that.

    they didn't live there too much later but they eventually found out that the complex had been built over a mass grave that was used to bury tons of people from yellow fever outbreaks way back in the day.

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