Saturday, 20 June 2009


  1. Similar to the person who posted the "say hi mommy"....

    My nephew was around 2 and was upstairs in his room playing by himself. He yelled out to my sister to come upstairs, and when she got there he just kept asking where the old man went. I guess he saw an old man hanging out in his room then he disappeared. That made me uneasy when I was younger. I remember hearing noises in this house but I'm pretty sure it might have just been my brother in law playing late night sessions of Resident Evil.

    Also, same sister's friend is visiting from California, and this fuckin' ese is a big fat Mexican guy, probably about 300lbs. Anyways, he's going to the bathroom upstairs, the door slams him in the face and knocks him on his ass. There was definitely more of a force than wind.

    Finally, same house. My sister's family was out for the day and when they came back a bunch of their living room/dinigg room furniture was all stacked on the dining room table, no one was home in the time that this occurred. At that house on the front porch there was an upside down horseshoe hung above the entrance on the porch (horseshoe = good luck/upside down horseshoe = bad luck.) It was still there the last time I passed the house.

    Also, I posted this one in the thread last year, it's not a ghost story but it's scary shit. My nephews and niece were playing in the yard at their old place just outside of the city. A car pulled up, and the driver was screaming that his wife needed help, and asked my nephews to come over, but my oldest nephew was smart enough to say that he would go in and get his parents to help. While he went inside, the people told my other nephew and niece to come over and help, but my nephew picked up my niece and carried her towards the back porch. When my brother in law came out, the car sped off. It's fucked to think that someone would try and and kidnap my nephews and niece. I know it happens, but it was really shocking, and I was so pissed off when I found out about it.

    Also a friend of mine throughout junior high/highschool had this experience when he was younger. My friend lived in a house just around the corner from where I live now when he was younger (4 or 5 I think.) Well one night he was in the bathroom, taking a bath, which if I remember correctly was in the basement. According to him, a "smokey face appeared" and told him to get out. For the whole time they had been living there, the power in the basement was constantly cutting out. They had an electrician check it out, and he said it was perfectly fine. A week after they moved, they got a call from the new owners asking if they'd had trouble with the power in the basement at all because it wasn't working again.

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