Saturday, 20 June 2009


  1. I worked in dorms at college but nothing cool ever happened to me. You'd hear footsteps on the stairs and then no one would be there. My boss claims a voice told him to "get out" while he did end of the year damage assessments.

    The block I live on now was built in the 1800s (my neighbor's garage was the town livery). I hear voices and noises all the fucking time when I'm trying to sleep. It sounds like the radio is on with a bunch of people talking at once.

    A lady my mom worked with had a 2 year old boy. Her dad died so they went to the cemetery to see the grave, etc. As they're walking out, the 2 year old is walking past grave stones going "Hi baby! Hi baby!" and waving. The mom starts noticing the dates on the headstones and sure enough, the kid is only waving at baby graves.

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