Saturday, 20 June 2009


  1. This isnt ghost related buta bunch of friends and I often go on adventures exploring old abandoned places, since I live on the border of mass and ri this is perfect considering the amount of factory's in fall river and mental hospitals all over mass. Doing this has also gotten me into some trouble in the past as well. A good friend of mine not to long ago made a trip to a hostpital in Exeter RI called the ladd school. If you do some research on this place some screwed up stuff went down there and its considered one of the most haunted places in RI. To make things short my friend was in the main building called the fogarty building. He was going down a hall and he kept hearing swinging and banging at the end. The other people with him where too afraid to go down the haul. My friend will decided to go down and walked into a open room with a lot of windows. Sure enough it was a window that opened from the inside hitting a closet door. The door to the Closet was somewhat ajar.As my friend will went to open it the rest of the way, something fell. It was one of those janitor type buckets used to clean the floors that was full of skinned rats in a little pool of blood. The creepy thing was it was fresh. More or less in my eyes it was prob some kids trying to be funny and set some kind of booby trap but over all that was creepy.

    Another time a couple of my friends went for a walk on these trails called weetamo woods in Tiverton RI. Theres about 70 acres preserved because it was Indian land and their is still a couple of cellars left from really old cabins from the settlers around there. As my friends where walking they came up with the idea of walking to this huge rock that you could climb and see everything for a few miles. They took a path that led that would make the trip quicker. They ran into a guy who was acting really sketchy. The guy told him that they should take that path, he said their was something down there. My friends decided to be assholes and make fun of him cause it seemed like something out of a movie. my friends suggested that it might be a coyote or something and the guy looked at them and his face lit up and he started agreeing and insisted they go back to the other path. As he left my friends quoted him laughing there asses off. they started back up the path and came to a little open area where the dirt was all pushed around and there were rocks. the rocks where in a pentagram. My friends didn't think much of it considering it could just be someone being funny. They came back a couple nights later with a couple of friends after they told them the story to check it out. they got to the spot and the pentagram was still there just moved to the other side of the little clearing.They took the rocks and moved them around into a cross and wrote i love jesus in the dirt. my friends went up the path a little bit to the main path and came back about 5 minutes later. The rocks were moved back into the pentagram in the same spot. And the I love Jesus was scribbled over and covered in some white dust that looked like chalk.This meant the entire time my friends were their they werent alone. they looked around and saw no one. they decided to not joke around anymore and left. Recently we went back there and theres nothing there but it still was a bit creepy knowing someone was watching you

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